Monday, March 21, 2011

Have a Cigar or Five

The first thing I've been doing each morning for the past few days is checking on Olivia and to see if she gave birth during the night.  This morning, when I peered into the nest box, the hay and wool were moving.  I freaked out and ran back into the house and yelled, "We have babies!"  Nate followed me back out, and he gently lifted up the blanket of wool covering them.  We counted 4, but without moving them around we weren't sure, and we didn't want to upset Olivia be being too nosey.  When I returned to check on them a little later, they were no longer under the wool and were easier to see and count.  One had separated from the group, and according to my book, I was to put it back with its siblings, which I did.  I also found one not breathing.  So, with excitement and sadness, Blue Moon

and Olivia

announce the birth of their first babies.

Look at those cute bunny ears!  I can hardly wait to see them develop and see what colors they will be.   

Happy homesteading,


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