Saturday, November 30, 2013

They're Just Ducky!

Now that the ducks are out of quarantine and in the animal yard, they have access to the stream that runs across the back of my lot.  I've enjoyed watching them work their way up and down, sticking their bills and sometimes their heads deep into the water looking for good stuff.

Since the stream is not that deep, I wanted to give them a way to submerge themselves if they have the need, so Nate rigged up this fabulous duck pond off the back of the chicken coop  The pond will be fed with water from a rain barrel.  I designed it so the overflow from the rain barrel will fill the pond and then I can save the collected water for periods when it doesn't rain.



We had some rain a few days ago, but not enough to fill the pond itself or the rain barrel, so I'm still waiting on the opportunity to dunk the ducks and let them know it's there.  Hopefully they will take to it like a duck to water.  Ha, ha!  I couldn't resist.

I'm looking forward to spring and the first clutch of duck eggs and potential ducklings.

Happy homesteading,



  1. What a great idea and use of re purposing. Love it and I'm sure your lil ducks will too. It's great to check in here :)

  2. Thanks, A View From A Brown Dog! We had to buy the pond, the barrel, the spout for it, and the extension on the downspout, but otherwise, we had everything else (gutter, downspout, pvc, etc.). Too bad the ducks haven't even given it the time of day. I've tried putting them in it, but they just go crazy and fly out and continue their treck up and down the stream. I won't give up though. They are going to get in the pond and like it! Just joking. If anything, it can serve as a watering hole for the chickens.

  3. Oh my, I've been so busy with other stuff that I didn't know about your ducks! Dan thinks he doesn't like ducks, so I haven't really looked into them. Of course, he also used to think he didn't like cats ......

    1. The ducks have grown on me! They really are not much trouble once you learn their quirks.

    2. I should have mentioned how much I like your rainwater setup. Very clever!

  4. How cute! We've had egg-laying ducks for several years and absolutely love them. Our last batch finally got old enough to stop laying, so they made the transition to the freezer. I can't wait to start our next flock!

    1. I'm excited when these start laying. I really want them to hatch out some chicks as I want to have duck for the holidays this year.
