Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Street Value

In Georgia today, pigs are flying and Hell has frozen over because, yes folks, we have snow.  Monday was a high of 68 and two days later, this.

The chickens and ducks were like, "WTF?  We live in Georgia, not Rhode Island.  This was not part of our labor contract.  Please remove whatever this is immediately, or we're contacting our union reps!"

But, have you any idea what the street value is?  It's pure snow! 

Oh, and did I mention the best part?  Two paid days off from work!

Hey, Mama Pea, this snow thing, you might be on to something!

Happy homesteading,



  1. Enjoy it while you can - and thank your lucky stars it's a rare occurrence!!!

    1. Hey, Susan. I am making light of it, but I really wouldn't want to deal with it on a daily basis. And, I'm so thankful to be home. Many in GA aren't so lucky! And, it is already melting with temps in the 60s forecast for next week.

    2. I live in North East Georgia cold here and snow down to 12 last night, ducks and chickens didn't want to come out. Finally they did for water and feed, so looking forward to the weekend and the 60 degree day.

  2. LOL. Snow is fun once in awhile. :)

    1. Snow is fun when you travel elsewhere to see it and you want to see it. I wouldn't want to deal with a whole winter of it.

  3. Hee-hee! Unfortunately, if you started getting snow regularly . . . not only would you not get paid days off, but your taxes would be raised to cover the cost of snow removal equipment! And you'd have to buy a whole new wardrobe including boots to withstand the cold temps.

    It's hard to believe that so many southern parts of our country that NEVER get snow are getting snow this winter. What's up with that?

    1. Okay, so the snow idea is not such a good one. I can handle a few days every 5 years or so. ;-)

  4. Hilarious post. We saw the GA snow and ice problems all over the news in my hood. I guess all hell does break loose when the something like this happens I image So Cal would be the same. Glad you're home and things are warming up. So happy I bounced in to find you posted :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We just don't have weather like this often so we don't have the infrastructure to deal with it. The best thing to do is stay home.
