Sunday, September 16, 2012

Farm Name and Logo

A few years ago, Nate built me a bottle tree.  I wrote about it here, and it is by far this blog's most popular post.  I love my bottle tree for the structural beauty it adds to my garden and the love it represents.  I also love that I can't kill it. 

Since that time, I've had a farm name stuck in the back of my head.  I kept thinking one day when I have a farm, I'll have a name ready.  But, I realized one doesn't need acreage to have a farm.  To me, a farm can be anywhere.  My farm is on less than 1/2 an acre.  I raise food for our table and pantry in the form of vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, and meat.  Farming is hard work, accomplishment, disappointment, satisfaction, sadness, fear, gratification and more.  It's slogging through ankle deep mud to feed and care for animals who depend on you, but it's also, opening your pantry and seeing the canning jars full of food ready to please the taste buds.  Farming is a mindset and a way of life.

We may never move to acreage, so I asked myself why am I waiting on giving our labor of love a name.  My answer was to contact a friend of mine and ask him to create a logo for me. 

I am so pleased to present my farm name and new logo.

Happy homesteading,


  1. Beautiful! And I agree, you don't need acreage and farm'ish animals to have a farm, it's all in how you live :)

  2. It's great! Both the name and the logo. So clever. Excellent job on both.

    1. Thanks! I can take credit for the name but not the logo.

  3. Yay congrats on your name and logo, it's perfect and beautiful. I also agree a farm isnt about acreage but what fills your time and cubbords :)

    1. I can't disagree with you on this one! A farm definitely fills your time.

  4. Very cool! I agree wholeheartedly also that you don't need lots of land to be a farmer - I love how you define it as a mindset and way of life - way to bloom where you're planted :)

    1. Jaime: Thanks, and I agree. We all can't have huge farms, so doing the best with what you have is my route.

  5. I have to say that I just finished reading your "Weekend Homesteader" series as well as both chicken books, (obsessively) and wanted to thank you! The information was amazing! Here I was just browsing Amazon for some gardening tips and you have opened a whole new world for me! Like I said, thank you! I also love your posts here too!

    1. Hi, Stephanie and welcome. Unfortunately I am not the writer of the Weekend Homesteader series or of any chicken books. The name is a coincidence. I actually recently found out about that series myself, like you on Amazon. I do hope you stick around and read more here on my blog though. I've been on a slight hiatus, but I plan to get posts rolling again after the holidays.

  6. Wow! What a coincidence! Well, nevertheless, I enjoy your blog too!
