Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hand Made Pay It Forward

I've been thinking recently about doing a giveaway on my blog.  It would be my first, so imagine my surprise when a few days ago Mama Pea at A Home Grown Journal posted the following:


She had accepted a challenge from another blog to pay it forward with a hand made gift to the first five bloggers to comment on her post.  In turn, the lucky recipients had to post the same challenge on their respective blogs.  I was one of the first five commenters on Mama Pea's blog, so I will get a hand made gift from her.  Now, it's my turn.  The first five bloggers who comment on this post will receive a hand made gift from me, but in turn, you have to offer the same deal on your blog.  Hand made means whatever your little hands made themselves.  The gifts must be delivered before the end of 2012, so be creative and show off your talents.  It's a pay it forward with a twist.  Don't we all like to receive hand made gifts? 

I'm looking forward to receiving my gift from Mama Pea.

Who is up for the challenge?

And, you non-bloggers out there, never fear.  I'll do another giveaway for you soon.  I promise. 

Happy homesteading,



  1. Does it count if I'm only a beginning blogger with few posts and few readers yet?

    1. Jenny: It certainly does count if you want to participate! I don't have many followers either, so I plan to repost this throughout the year until I get my five. You have until the end of the year to finish. Maybe you could do the same? Are you in?

  2. I'm in! I love to make stuff, especially when I get to give it away!
