We are in the middle of a heat wave. Yesterday at 5:00 p.m. my car thermometer registered 110. At 9:00 p.m. the temperature was still 100, and the low last night I think was around 80. Right now, at 1:35 p.m. it's 101, and the high is expected to be 105. Tomorrow is expected to hit 103.
At times like this, I am so thankful for the technology we have to predict the weather. In anticipation of this week, I plucked Olivia and Blue Moon, my angora rabbits, and trimmed them down to the skin. All of the rabbits got frozen 2 liter water bottles in their cages yesterday while I was at work. The rabbit shed is in deep shade, so I know that helps. They all made it through yesterday. Today I am repeating the frozen water bottles, and I've brought Olivia and Blue Moon inside.
The chickens seem to be holding their own against the weather; however, we lost our Pearl this week. We are so sad because she was one of our original two chicks when we first started keeping chickens over 3 years ago. She was the end of our beginning, and I love to say she was one tough bird. She was our special needs chicken who hobbled around the animal yard on her deformed talon. She got special preference from us. She survived two night attacks when we were new to chicken keeping and a hawk attack. We saved her about two weeks ago from drowning when the coop flooded. She seemed to have as many lives as a cat. So, to lose her because of our mistake is especially brutal to take. We forgot to close the coop door last Sunday night and a night predator got her. Only once before have we forgotten to lock them up at night, and that was at the beginning of our chicken keeping experience. We could chalk that up to a beginner's mistake, but after three years, we have no excuse. We just plain forgot. And, because of her disability she would not have been able to run from it.
RIP Pearl. We're sorry, and we love you.