Those would be squash vine borer eggs. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know I hate them. Last year, I fought viciously and daily to rid my plants of them with no success. I picked them off, tried to bury the vines above the damage to stimulate new root growth, tried to catch the vine borers themselves, used DE, and probably some other tactics I can't remember. I think I got one zucchini and that was it. It is said that in the South you have to lock your car doors in the summer; otherwise, you'll come back and find a bag of squash in the front seat. Well, my car doors are wide open! If you can grow organic summer squash near me, bring it on. Hell, you can load up my trunk if you want to. I don't see how anyone grows organic squash here. I
Today I found eggs on my melon plants, winter squash, and my Zucchino Rampicante. I have always read they don't touch winter squash, cucumbers or melons. It is the summer squash they gravitate towards. I chose to try the Zucchino Rampicante this year, rather than zucchini or yellow squash, because I read that even though it's a summer/winter squash, it is resistant to vine borers. Apparently the vine borers in my neighborhood didn't read the same stuff I did.
I just picked eight eggs off one of the Zucchino Rampicante plants. I didn't even walk up front to check the cucumbers. I'm afraid to. I think I'm seriously going to cry.