Saturday, October 30, 2010

State Fair

Nate and I recently attended the SC state fair and had a blast looking at all of the animals and exhibits. I have to say I haven't been to the fair in years, and the last time I went was not with the intent of prowling the livestock barns. Seeing the canning exhibits made me want to enter something next year, so maybe it's something to consider. We saw so many different chicken breeds, and I loved the angora rabbits. My biggest disappointment was the goats were not scheduled to arrive for another few days. I was really interested in seeing some Nigerian Dwarf goats close up. Eventually I would love to have some goats, and the Nigerian Dwarf is the breed that interests me most, mainly for its size.

This is a Jersey Giant behind Nate. They were absolutely huge!

I think the Silkies are cute, but I don't think I would want one.

But I would love to have some type of Polish chicken. They look so punk rock!

And I fell in love with some of the roosters. After this trip, Nate is really wanting a rooster. One day, when we finally move from a neighborhood and town, we'll have one.

Have you been to the fair lately? If not, check out the one closest to you!

Happy homesteading,


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birds!

I mentioned in my last post that we had a new addition to the homestead. Her name is Bella, and she was adopted from some friends who could no longer keep her. She's had a time over the past several weeks with establishing pecking order, but the other girls have finally accepted her into the flock. She's a sweet bird and a good layer. Her original name was Rainbow, but she's such a pretty bird that we changed it.

While I'm talking chickens, I thought I would post some new pics of Thelma and Louise. They have grown to be beautiful birds to which a happy healthy environment contributes. I love to see their feathers glisten in the sunlight.

Thelma when we first got her

And, the beautiful bird she's become

Louise as a chick

Louise today

As I was browsing through pictures to decide which ones to use, I came across this photo of Vanilli. We bought her at the flea market because we just felt so sorry for her. She was a prime example of an animal who was poorly kept. She smelled so bad we could barely get near her. Contrary to what you may think, healthy chickens who have the opportunity to take dust baths and preen do not smell. Her comb was scabbed over from being pecked continously by other chickens, and her whole backside was missing all of its feathers, either from being kept in a cage or from being picked on by other birds. She was a mess.

Today, Vannilli is a completely different chicken, and who would have thought her featherless hiny would have grown such fabulous tail feathers. We didn't. Plus she lays green eggs. Nate calls her our American Bald Chicken as she looks like an eagle to us.

Finally, we have Pearl, our HHIC. She was our very first chicken and is our most special one. She's handicapped, but handles it like a champ! She's our best egg layer and a hawk attack survivor. And while she can be a mean old hen to the others sometimes, she's overall just a great chicken. She rules!

We are so blessed each day to get eggs from our backyard and so thankful we don't have to contribute our money to a dreadful egg industry.

Happy homesteading,


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Few and Far Between But Still on a Mission

My posts seem to be getting fewer, but don't fret. I'm still here and on a mission. Life has been crazy lately, and this time of year seems to be the best time to step back and take stock of the year and begin planning for next. I've been told I'm an inspiration. I'm proud to know my adventures inspire others. To me, what I do is just right. Part of what keeps me on my journey is the inspiration I find with other blogs. One blog I really love is Cold Antler Farm. This girl is doing it alone, but she has a dream and works each day to fulfill it. I totally admire that! Check out her blog on my blog roll.

Happy homesteading,


P.S. We have a new addition named Bella. More on her later!